Vision & Mission

The mission of Amaltas Institution of Nursing Sciences is to provide Accessible, Affordable High-Quality Education to diverse students for the development of Nursing Practitioner at all entries of Practice.

The mission will be accomplished through:

  • The college will maintain high standards of integrity and performance leading to the achievement of academic and career goals.
  • Research that advances the scientific and theoretical foundation of Nursing.
  • Innovative Programs that reflect the needs and current trends in health care of Neighboring communities and the wider Geographic region.
  • Nursing is committed to, and accountable for, safe, interprofessional practice as evidenced by consistent utilization of the nursing process, collaboration with our colleagues and achievement of quality outcomes.
  • Planning and provide nursing care that will achieve an optimal level and wellness.
  • We are advocates for people by promoting the delivery of the right care at the right time.
  • Meeting students’ needs by creating an educational environment in which students can attain a variety of goals.

To excel in Nursing education and research, producing compassionate and skilled health care professionals who lead and innovate National and Global health care.