Two air conditioned lecture theatres one in besment and other ground floor (area- 495 sqmtr. Each) are available

Facilities :
  • Gallery type
  • Seating capacity – 180 students each
  • Audiovisual aids – LCD Projector, speakers, green board.

  • Demonstration Room
    • Number      :     02
    • Accommodation (of each demonstration room)
      • Size     :     64.4 sq. meter
      • Capacity     :     75 Students Each
    • Audio-visual equipments available.     Available.
      Overhead Projector,
      Flip chairs - 75
      Green board - 1
      View box – 1
      OHP – 1
      Gross Anatomy Posters – 10
  • Practical Laboratories
    • Dissection Hall :
      • Accommodation
        • Size     :     4900 sqft.
        • Capacity     :     150 Students
      • Number and arrangement of tables
        • Big     :     20
        • Small     :     05
      • Hygiene and Drainage facilities for Disposal of Discarded parts and a burial ground is available.
        • Washing arrangement     -     No. of wash basins provided 21 No.
        • No. of lockers provided for students     :     150
        • Light and exhaust arrangements     :     Adequate.
        • Special instruments other than routine Dissection sets, such as Electric saw, band Saw.
          Extra Learning Aids-
          (Skeleton, charts, black Board etc.)
          View Box, LCD Projector, Display, Board for Teaching Material, Charts, Green board, Loose Bone Sets.
        • Cadaver Preservation Facilities :
          • Embalming room     :     Available
            Size     :     71.61sq. mts
            Location     :     Attached to the Dissection hall
          • Storage Tanks
            Number     :     3 (three)
            Total Size      :     18.63 sq.mts
          • Cold room/cooling cabinets     :     Available
            Size      :     27.95 sq.m. Capacity      :     8 bodies
          • No. of cadaver available     :     8 bodies
          • No. of students allotted per cadaver     :     15 students per cadaver/as per
    • Histology Laboratory
      • Accommodation
        Size     :     3358 sq.ft.
        Capacity      :     90 Students
      • Working Arrangement
        Seats available     :     for 90 Students
        Cupboard for storage of microscope slides etc     :     6 cabinet for Slides (1000 slides
                                                                                            per cabinet
        Number of microscope with 1/3, 1/6& 1/12 objectives     -     90
        Binocular microscope     -     02
        Projection Microscope     -     01
        Demonstration Microscope     -     05
      • Number of students to each microscope     -     1 : 1
      • Preparation room Size     :     19.15sq.m.
      • Other teaching aids:
        Histology transparencies
        Charts     :     27
        Photoframes’s with diagram of microscopic slides.
        LCD projector     :     01
        Display Board     :     01
  • Museum
    • Size      :     3172 sq.ft.
    • Specimens arranged are region wise
    • Give number of each      :     117(WET SPECIMEN)
      • Limbs      :     28
        Thorax      :     16
        Abdomen & Pelvis      :     42
        Head, Neck      :     04
        Brain      :     17
        Embryology      :     10
    • Coverage of various fields in Anatomy by Specimens Gross anatomy, Embryology, Osteology, Radiological anatomy, Foetal anatomy
    • No. of catalogues of the specimen available to the students.
      06 catalogues
    • Number of microscope & X-ray views Boxes available to students in the museum.
      Hexagonal View Box      -     01
      Rectangular      -     01
      Separate Radiology section in Museum
    • List of exhibits other than the specimens -
      Articulated Skeleton      -     07
      Poster      -     21 Radiology
                      -     26 Embryology
                      -     76 Embryology photo Frames.
      models          - 34
      loose bone sets      -     35
    • Radiological & specialized imaging exhibits
      Number      :     103
      Type      :     Plain X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans.
    • Seating arrangement for 35 students
    • Preparation and storage rooms     :     Available

Research Lab
Well equipped research lab
Area      :     620 sq.ft.

Departmental library cum seminar room
Area      :     31.30 sq.meter
Seating capacity      :     12
Books      :     92

  • Demonstration Room
    • Number      :     02(Two)
    • Accommodation (of each demonstration room)
      • Size     :     625 sq. feet
      • Capacity     :     85 Students Each
    • Audio-visual equipments available.
      Overhead Projector,
      Flip chairs - 85
      Green board - 1
      OHP – 1
      Gross Anatomy Posters – 36
  • Practical Laboratories
    • Clinical lab. :
      • Accommodation
        • Size     :     1900 sqft.
        • Capacity     :     90 Students
      • Preparation room      :     Available
        • Size     :     150 sq.ft.
        • Location     :     attached to the clinical lab
      • Number and arrangement of tables
        • Examination tables     :     10
        • Small     :     05
      • Clinical Equipments     :     Available
      • Other Arrangements:- `
        • Washing arrangement     -     Available
        • No. of wash basins provided      :     03
        • Light and exhaust arrangements     :     Adequate, Available
      • Extra learning Aids      :      Available
        Clinical Posters      :      31
        Green Board      :      01
    • Haematology Laboratory
      • Accommodation
        Size     :     3935 sq.ft.
        Capacity      :     90 Students
      • Preparation room     :     02
        Size     :     149 sq.ft. each
        Location      :     Attached to Haematologylab
      • Working Arrangement
        Seats available     :     for 90 Students
        Number of microscope     -     90
        Binocular microscope     -     02
      • Number of students to each microscope     -     1 : 1
      • Washing Arrangement     -     Available
      • No. of wash basins provided     -     29
      • Any other teaching aids:
        Haematology slides     :     yes, available
        Charts     :     26
        Green Board     :     01
    • Amphibian Laboratory
      • Accommodation
        Size     :     2600 sq.ft.
        Capacity      :     90 Students
      • Preparation room     :     Available
        Size     :     146 sq.ft.
        Location      :     attached to the Amphibian lab.
      • Preparation room store     :     Available
        Size     :     142 sq.ft.
        Location      :     attached to the Amphibian lab.
      • Number and arrangement of tables
        Total tables     :     10 ( each table contains kymograph and dale’s organ bath with electric supply)
      • Teaching Aids     -     Available
        • Instruments / Equipments      :     Available
          (necessary for Amphibian Lab)
        • Amphibian graph      :     20
        • Amphibian Posters      :     02
        • Green Board      :     01
    • Mammalian Lab.
      • Size     :     1300 sq.ft.
        Capacity      :     90 Students
      • Preparation room
        Size     :     150 sq.ft.
        Location      :     attached to mammalian lab.
      • No. of basins provided     :     03
      • Extra learning aids     :     Available
        • Posters      :      07
        • Graphs      :      11
        • Green Board      :      01

Department of Biochemistry
  • Demonstration Room
    • Number      :     02(Two)
    • Accommodation (of each demonstration room)
      • Size     :     65.0 sq. meter (demo room 1)
      • Size     :     60.859 meter (demo room 2)
      • Capacity     :     85 Students Each
    • Audio-visual equipments - Available.
      Overhead Projector,
    • Teaching accessories - Charts
      Flip chairs - 85
      Green board – 01
  • Practical Laboratories
    • Undergraduate Practical Laboratory
      • Accommodation
        • Size     :      311.9 sq. m.
        • Capacity     :     100
      • Number & arrangement table & racks
        • Regent racks      -     27 Nos. (each accommodate 4 students )
        • Stools      -     100 Nos.
        • Small table      -     04
        • Washing arrangement 26 wash basins
        • Light and exhaust      -     adequate
        • Instruments / equipments     -     adequate
        • Gas burners      -     54 nos.
        • Teaching accessories      -     charts
        • Glass wares      -     available, adequate
    • Research Laboratory
      • Size     :     59.9 sq.m
      • Washing facility      :     Available
      • Light and exhaust      :     Available, Adequate
      • Special Instruments      :     Electrophoresis chamber, chromatography chamber, fume hood, PH meter, spectrophotometer, flame photo meter, UV lamp etc.
      • Refrigerator      :     Available
      • Glass ware      :     Available, Adequate
    • Museum
      • Size     :     32.9 sq. m.
      • Models and charts available related to biochemistry and molecular biology

Departmental Library Cum Seminar Room
  • Size     :     27.5 sq. meter
  • Accommodate     :     20 Nos.
  • No. of Books     :     93

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